Day Joy
Austin based songwriter Michael Serrin makes dreamily haunted folk music under the name Day Joy. The project originated as a sleepy and melancholic response to episodic night terrors providing the project's antithetical name. Following up on the Great Satan, Mass Appeal LP from early 2020, Day Joy returned this spring with the acoustic "Jesus H." and the beautifully expansive full band affair "INRI.” The forthcoming releases feature a new levity for a project previously weighed down by sorrow. Day Joy continues to craft evocative and emotionally stirring tracks, where hope and acceptance now grow from the depths of denial and despair.
“Abandoning the grounded percussion, misty synth play, and distant harmonies found on 2020's Great Satan Mass Appeal, Day Joy's Michael Serrin opts for lo-fi simplicity on ‘Jesus H.’ thanks to its iPhone recording in a shed. This isolated process feeds the pensive solitude baked into the folk lament. Backed by unadorned acoustic strums, Serrin's unkempt wail reaches a settled assurance in the face of uncertainty: "One blink of an eye and your son's sailing into mine." Whether through clarity, exhaustion, or God, varied repetition reinforces his revelation. Unapologetic, resounding embraces sound best in a shed anyway.” — AUSTIN CHRONICLE (link)